
Are you coming to the United States for medical treatment?


We can help!



普通出國 看病的中介公司通常與某些醫院有商業合約,故此不論病情或個案,他們會鼓催病人只到這些醫院或向這位醫生就醫。當病人及家屬到達美國後,這些中介公司只會提供有限度的支援。若病人或家屬不懂英語,很多時候他們不會明白如何向醫生討論病情,亦不懂得如何選擇適合自己的療程。

ETW的宗旨是協助由中國、香港、澳門及其他地區的癌症病人到美國就醫。ETW與其他出國 看病中介公司不同,我們有下列特㸃:

• ETW團隊的專長是癌症治療,能夠為癌症病人及家屬提供專門服務

• 是全國唯一一個可以提供說廣東話的”癌症病人導航員“的服務中心

  • 總部鄰近安德森癌症中心 (MD Anderson Cancer Center) ,對中心內的環境及運作都十分了解 
  • 沒有與任何癌症中心、醫院或醫生有金錢的利益關係,故能夠為病人提供客觀的建議
  • 每一個案件都是由有多年癌症醫藥經驗的美國註冊藥劑師及藥劑學博士主理
  • 對新藥或在臨床試驗中的藥物有深切認識
  • 管理團隊成員操流利廣東話及英語,亦有多年癌病醫藥經驗,能夠為病人提供更詳細及貼心的服務
  • 收費透明度高,可以選擇只支付你需要的服務
  • 若想ETW協助你到美國治療癌病,請與我們聯絡。

Seeking Medical Treatment in the United States

Researchers in the United States have long been seen as the pioneers in the development of novel medical treatment.  In fact, over 95% of new drugs were developed in the U.S.  It is not surprising that thousands of patients from around the world come to the U.S. every year to seek treatment for various diseases.  ETW understands that making the trip from your hometown to the U.S. can be a daunting task.  Not only that you have to determine which doctor to see, you also have to tackle housing, medical supplies, and air and ground transportation.  Communications with the doctor or the medical team also presents a unique challenge. Even if you speak English fluently, the use of medical terminologies or discussion of clinical data associated with various treatments can easily make you feel like you are conversing in a foreign language.

While there are medical travel companies that assist you with travel arrangements, the vast majority of them have a commercial contract with specific hospitals or medical centers.  As such, they are incentivized to send you to a certain doctor or visit a certain hospital regardless of your medical needs.  Not only that, the support and resources that these travel companies offer are limited to housing and transportation.   You are often left to your own devices trying to understand the U.S. medical system, or to dissect any medical information that your doctor provides you.

ETW Medical Travel is here to help you

Unlike other travel companies that stop short, we pride ourselves in going above and beyond for the visiting patients.  Leveraging our founder’s 20-plus years of experience in the medical field as a clinical pharmacist who is board certified in oncology pharmacy, ETW sets itself apart from others in the following ways:

  • Our team members speak fluent English and Cantonese
  • We offer the only Cantonese-speaking patient navigator service in the country
  • We are headquartered in the Houston, Texas area, home to the Texas Medical Center, the largest medical city in the world
  • Our management team is medically trained, has vast experience in the U.S. medical system and is especially knowledgeable in cancer treatments
  • Independent of commercial contracts with any hospitals or doctors, we provide information and assistance solely based on your needs