ETW 為所有來美國就診的外國患者提供以下服
- 協助聯絡您選擇的醫院或診所
- 協助將您的醫療記錄提交給您選擇的醫院或診所
- 協助獲取您的醫療記錄的英文翻譯
- 協助預約您的醫生會晤
- 安排從您的家鄉到美國的飛機票
- 協助您申請新的簽證或延長訪問美國的簽證
- 提供英文或粵語的病人導航服務,協助您在美國的醫療旅程
- 提供有關藥物折扣、患者助理計劃和相關臨床試驗的信息
ETW 為到訪德克薩斯州的休斯頓市的外國患者提供這些額外服務:
- 安排設備齊全且位置便利的短期住房
- 在您入住期間安排交通工具
- 安排去當地餐館、雜貨店和購物中心
- 就診時提供陪診服務
ETW offers the following services to all foreign patients coming to the United States:
- Assist in contacting your hospital or clinic of your choice
- Assist in submitting your medical records to the hospital or clinic of your choice
- Assist in obtaining English translation of your medical records
- Assist in setting up appointments with your doctor
- Arrange air transportation from your home town to the United States
- Assist in obtaining and/or extending a temporary visa for your visit to the United States
- Provide patient navigator service in English or Cantonese to assist you in your medical journey in the United States
- Provide information on drug discounts, patient assistant programs and relevant clinical trials
ETW also offers these additional services to foreign patients visiting Houston, Texas
- Arrange short term housing that is fully furnished and conveniently located
- Arrange ground transportation during your stay
- Arrange visits to local restaurants, grocery stores, and shopping malls
- Provide accompanying service when you visit your doctor